As a matter of fact I have been bullied a lot at school, though I have never faced the ''Give me your money or I'll beat you to a pulp'' luckily. It was more in the lines of ''Haha! Look at you! I'm big and you're small and I can do whatever I want to you.''
Ignoring them maybe didn't always fend them off, but it certainly saved me lots of grief and hate...I didn't ignore them intentionally, I truly found it funny and sad, it clearly shows ones intellectual level.
Agreed, on a couple occasions I had to throw my fists in it, only because I received a blow though after laughing them off. I never engaged hostilities. I had a nice circle of friends and other ways of being intellectually occupied then by this circus. Every second waisted thinking about this is a second waisted of your life.
Excuse me? Did I just read ''Kick in the balls?" Please tell me it's an english expression for something else...Or else you just confirmed my theory. If you already dirtied your hands like that then go ahead. You deserve each other, have fun!
Oh just ignore him...seriously. It's the only way to make him feel how ridiculous he is...If you do anything about it you're entering his game, and you should never enter a game you can't be sure to win.
Actually you should never enter a game like that period. Have you ever felt good after a fight? Even if you won? I always feel shitty and think that I would have been better off if it was avoided.
Something tells me though that to trigger this attitude you haven't been exactly mature about how you treated him before.
I think it's the first time I've actually felt sincerely sad about a celebrity dying...there's something I really liked about him!
Just another reminder that money and fame don't necessarily make happiness...
I recently acquired a 400D too and since there seem to be a lot of photographers here, I'd like to ask some other questions...
Which program do you use for importing, retouching, cropping your pictures? I tried some like Acdsee, Lightroom etc but none of them came close in ease-of-use as a program that a friend showed me on a Mac (and I'm never too keen on giving plus points to a Mac :razz.
What particularly interests me is also batch cropping and batch framing pictures. A quick search on Google didn't give me any interesting options...Do you know any programs with these functions?
One thing ruins it for me...the fake wheel "thingies". They could have at least leave it black like before. Painting it like a wheel just makes it look cheaper. Guess they got some pressure from Bbs.
Another thing that I noted is that there are so many vertical fins it looks like it could not turn for its life! But that's probably due to my poor grasp on aeordynamic physics in turns...
Care to elaborate on that please? So does this mean that all cars interiors are getting updated? And it also means that the 2 next patches are going to be physics-wise incompatible?
If you do it very meticulously it should cause no problem.
Just use the clone stamp tool, at let's say 12 pixels radius. Alt-left click on the area you want to sample and click on the area you want to replace. You'll have to do it hundreds of times to get a perfect result but it is very doable. Each time sample right next to the area you want to erase to keep the right skin texture and lighting.
Believe me, anyone that has ever managed to even drive an F1 has devoted his entire life to the sport...Remember that the guys driving these cars are the 22 current best overall racers in the world...22 guys from the thousands that have devoted their life to go to F1.
They don't pay you millions, and trust you with something that costs even more to try to be the best, you already have to be the best.
So I guess your best bet is to concentrate on each category and series at a time, and be the best there. Instead of dreaming about F1, first dream about finishing on the podium of an national kart championship race? And then dream about winning that championship, and then an international championship, etc etc etc. Don't bypass everything towards F1 directly, I think that's what's making you sound irrealistic the most.
Doesn't mean that because you did good on your first Solo flight that you're going to be an astronaut. You're in for about the same odds right now...
Edit: Or because you got cheered on a highschool play that you're going to win an Oscar.
Edit 2: Or because you grazed a woman's sideboob that you're going to become the Casanova of the 21st century.
Jesus I could be going on and on with this list but I'm getting too carried away...